Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free from sound

Hello fellow bloggers,

I know it's been a while and it seems like I'm abandoning my blog again but this time i've decided to keep those unwanted heartbreaking memories and just fill this blog with new ones.

" The reason i started this blog was of Parsley Monster, doesn't mean i have to end it for the same reason."

So here's the skinny.

Yes, the ONE that i thought would never be replaced has been put on to the list of things Debra should have never done. ALL JUST WASTED EFFORT!

Bright side is that i didn't succumb to long nights of clubbing, drinking and unXpected home visists. See i have changed :). But i know somehow cause i didn't deal with it well that i know it isn't the end. Either way i'm pretty much over it.

My journey to self discovery in a foreign land has put me in a more confusing state than i was a few months back. I just wish i could meet someone off the streets and just share my thoughts.

Be Responsible For Your Feelings

How the hell do you do that. Years of suppression only brings you closer to somekind of mess up breakdowns you yourself don't know what for. Trust me.

Lately i've been so fed up with everything. You change your game no matter how many times you're still the one fucked. You don't play a game, you're even more fucked. So how? If this is karma, then Karma has been on my back for 3 years now and think it's time for it to give me the good kinda karma instead of the shitty one i've been getting.

Umm Hello? So manipulation is my thing. I've been manipulated 3 times straight. So the ratio of 1:3 is pretty unfair I'm guessing.


Haven't been catching up with the KL scene lately. But i did talk to my BFFFFFFFFFFs Finally :) IMISSTHEMSOMUCH.

I would like to say that there have been some kinda positive expect to me coming here and not just a personal kinda POV positivity i mean all around positivity but i seem more fucked here then i am there. At least there i know why. Here it's slowly seeps in and fuck you up slowly.

The only good thing is that i get a new start and a virtually un-notorius reputation to my name.
Yay. I can self destruct in peace
no eyes . no whispers. no sounds

oh the joys of life
Don you just wanna
i do.